The extent one
Louisiana state agency (LA DEPT WILDLIFE & FISHERIES) has gone to steal private
property should be appalling to all, but so far the majority remains
loyal. What will it take to “wake” the
masses up who are victims of the state’s scam?
If you are
one of those landowners who sold there souls to the devil/LDWF last year to rid ATV riders
from the Comite River in Zachary, Louisiana, then its obvious you’ll believe
just about anything. Here’s one idea for the landowners along the
Comite River that don’t feel it’s worth
saving your land that your paying taxes for year after year, give it to me. If that idea turns your stomache, then pay close attention to what the state is doing to you and your private
Question to landowners, correct me if I am wrong, the reason behind the push to restore peacefulness along the river was to protect your rights to your property, right? Bad news, you gave away those rights to LDWF or should I say you let them take those rights by banning ATV’s and gaining unlimited jurisdiction. One more frightening part of LDWF’s scam was the lack of due process which LDWF admits in this letter provided. Legislative Audit can be seen at this link:$FILE/41d1bbaf.PDF
Rush has
never been provided any due process by LDWF, because he was never given a chance
to prove his innocence. He was
arrested for stealing his own trees and refusing to consent to LDWF’s claim of ownership
over his property. He has been labeled
“the bad guy” who is responsible for manipulating this entire battle over the
Comite River. Now anyone with common
sense knows one person can’t pull that many strings.
Come on folks,
LDWF began their push to force the Rush family off his property back in
2009. He refused to consent to
LDWF demands, so he became the so called violator/public enemy #1.
The plan is for free loaders to use your land along the river and LDWF plans to give them what they want. FYI, they want it for free without your permission.
Now its time to show landowners what Rush discovered which exposes the state’s scam to steal your land. First, LDWF has lied the entire time by saying they haven’t claimed ownership to the property on the Comite River. This letter shown should be enough for you to see what LDWF has truly done behind landowner’s backs.
LDWF is using
this same type of claim against the Rush lawsuit which can be seen on court
pleadings filed on behalf of Secretary Robert Barham/Boss. The document shown here is in part taken from
the lawsuit which shows the State says you don’t own the land along the river,
they do.
Furthermore, if you’re asking yourself what happened and how can I own land that the state claims, it should be apparent there is a problem. Blame this absurd outcome on the so called clarification from LDWF which blames this absurd conflict on a “grey area of the law.”
Legislators required LDWF to implement management plans for all scenic waterways by 1990. As of today there is only one implemented plan for Bayou Manchac. The purpose of management plan is to provide public and private notification of the scenic designation. This gives landowners the opportunity to object to the state's claim of ownership over that waterway. See page 9, MANAGEMENT OF RIPARIAN LAND USE Bayou Manchac management plan at this link:
LDWF and legislators knew back
in 1970, if landowners were notified of the State’s claim to ownership, appropriation of money would be necessary. Who in their
right mind would hand over property for free.
In order for the scenic system to legally work, LDWF should pay money
for scenic servitudes and public easements.
This is why there are no implemented management plans for any of the
non-navigable waterways designated as part of the scenic system. Truth is they have to own it in order to
regulate it!
Just in case
landowners still refuse to open their eyes, I present the following quote from “Comite
River Dispute at Standstill” by The Advocate reporter Ben Wallace. Article can be seen here:
If a judge were
eventually to side with Rush, it’s possible that the recent ATV ban could be
deemed unenforceable. But if that were to happen, local law enforcement still
could arrest people for trespassing on the river, something that for years has
been done in East Feliciana Parish.
“The Sheriff’s Office
writes the tickets, and we enforce it,” said Sam D’Aquilla, district attorney
for the Feliciana parishes, adding that they consider the river non-navigable and, therefore, private property that can’t be trespassed upon.
Rush, USACE, US Sec of War, and East Feliciana
Parish district attorney have the facts to prove the Comite River as non-navigable and
privately owned. If the landowners
refuse to believe the aforementioned then I provide the most powerful evidence
that exists, their own property deed filed at the parish courthouse. Every private landowner has a legal
description of their land on the river which provides private ownership to the
centerline of the river with NO MENTION of state ownership. Thats no coincedence!
Now who owns the Comite River? Rush knows the answer and now so should
Landowners need to join together and restore their ownership of
the Comite River by removing the scenic designation which has given public
rights to use private property. Get rid of LDWF/free loaders and the problem will cease to exist on the Comite River and all other privately owned waterways designated scenic.
To put in simple terms is easy enough by
demanding local and state representatives to run LDWF off your land by protecting
your private property rights. That’s really
what they should have been doing all along by protecting Rush and his land.
By protecting his rights to private property has the same
result as protecting your rights to private property.
I’m willing to bet Rush wishes his property was
located in East Feliciana Parish.

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